Wednesday, November 12, 2008

U.S. Removes North Korea from Terrorism LIst

U.S. Removes North Korea from Terrorism List
On October 11, 2008, North Korea agreed to give international inspectors a paht to its nuclear plant at Yonbyon and to proceed to disable its plutonium-processing faculty. In trade the U.S. State Department removes the country from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.

U.S. Airstrike Afganistan Hits a Wedding

U.S. Airstrike in Afganistan Hits a Wedding
On November 3, 2008 a wedding was crashed in Afganistan.Officials say that 40 civilians were killed and about 30 were injured in an attack in Kandahar. President Hamid Karzai suggest U.S. president elect Barack Obama to make action to cieze civilian casualties besides target terrorist training centers.